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Dota 2 Sets Collector's Cache 2019-2020
Importante: se aplica un tiempo de amistad en el juego de 30 días para obsequiar. (solo se envia por regalo )

Primero consultar la disponibilidad del item luego agregar en steam esperar 30 dias para luego realizar el pago y enviar el producto.
sets disponible:
Ember Spirit - Cinder Sensei
Abaddon - Endless Night
Shadow Fiend - Souls Tyrant
Necrophos - Fowl Omen
Wraith King - Grim Destiny
Pangolier - Tales of the Windward Rogue
Clockwerk - Directive of the Sunbound
Broodmother - Automaton Antiquity
Tusk - Distinguished Expeditionary
Venomancer - Verdant Predator
Batrider - Prized Acquisitions
Pudge - Dapper Disguise
Drow Ranger - Sight of the Kha-Ren Faithful
Bloodseeker - Fury of the Bloodforge
Warlock - Tribal Pathways
Pudge ti10 immortal - The Abscesserator Bundle Ti10 Immortal
Ursa ti10 immortal - Dipper the Destroyer Bundle Ti10 Immortal
Phoenix ti10 immortal - Solar Gyre Ti10 Immortal
Lina - Glory of the Elderflame
Ember Spirit Ti10 Collector's Cache 2 Set - Master of the Searing Path
Silencer - Silent Slayer
Tiny - Ancient Inheritance
Night Stalker - Origin of the Dark Oath
Tidehunter Ti10 Collector's Cache 2 Set - Horror from the Deep
Juggernaut - Lineage of the Stormlords
Underlord - Ravenous Abyss
Nature's Prophet - Signs of the Allfather
Huskar - Flashpoint Proselyte
Bounty Hunter - Heartless Hunt
Bristleback Ti10 Collector's Cache 2 Set - Beast of the Crimson Ring
Faceless Void ti10 Collector's Cache Set - Claszureme Incursion
Shadow Demon Ti10 Collector's Cache 2 Set - Crown of Calaphas
Arc Warden Ti10 Collector's Cache 2 Set - Ire of the Ancient Gaoler
Grimstroke - Herald of the Ember Eye
Ancient Apparition - Apocalypse Unbound
Enchantress - Songs of Starfall Glen
Jakiro - Fissured Flight Collector's
Pudge - Mindless Slaughter Collector's
Mars - Forsworn Legacy
Templar Assasssin Ti10 Collector's Cache 2 Set - Steward of the Forbidden Chamber
Chaos Knight Ti10 Collector's Cache 2 Set - Talons of the Endless Storm
Enigma Ti10 Collector's Cache 2 Set - Evolution of the Infinite
Disruptor - Fury of the Righteous
Timbersaw Ti10 Collector's Cache 2 Set - Clearcut Cavalier
Keeper of the light Ti10 Collector's Cache 2 Set - The King Of Thieves
Skywrath Mage Ti10 Collector's Cache 2 Set - Secrets of the Celestial
Rubick Ti10 Collector's Cache 2 Set - Carousal of the Mystic Masquerade
Phoenix Ti10 Collector's Cache 2 Set - Blaze of Oblivion
Sniper Ti10 Collector's Cache 2 Set - Blacksail Cannoneer
Doom Ti10 Collector's Cache 2 Set - Wrath of the Fallen

Preguntas y respuestas

Últimas realizadas

te envie solicitud al steam con el nombre de Tsunayoshi
tienes el del juggertnaut?